Free Alliant 3 Strategy and Tracking Tool: Your Key to a Winning Proposal!

Are you ready to secure an Alliant 3 contract? The competition is fierce, with the General Services Administration (GSA) awarding contracts to only 76 companies (plus a few more if… Continue reading Free Alliant 3 Strategy and Tracking Tool: Your Key to a Winning Proposal!

GenAI for Proposal Development – Webinar Replays

Looking to implement GenAI for the first time or aiming to optimize existing proposal processes? These webinar replays provide valuable guidance tailored to your needs.

GRANT SERVICES – OPPORTUNITY HIGHLIGHT: Semiconductor Packaging Research

Overview: On July 9, 2024, the Department of Commerce announced a new funding opportunity to support research and development (R&D) in semiconductor advanced packaging. This initiative, part of the CHIPS (Creating… Continue reading GRANT SERVICES – OPPORTUNITY HIGHLIGHT: Semiconductor Packaging Research

GRANT SERVICES – OPPORTUNITY HIGHLIGHT: The CHIPS Act: Fueling America’s Technological Comeback

Opportunity Highlights:  The CHIPS (Creating Helpful Incentives to Produce Semiconductors) Act represents a pivotal legislative effort aimed at revitalizing and securing the United States’ semiconductor manufacturing sector. This initiative emerged… Continue reading GRANT SERVICES – OPPORTUNITY HIGHLIGHT: The CHIPS Act: Fueling America’s Technological Comeback

GRANT SERVICES: Expert Approaches for Winning More Using Strength-Based Solutioning®

Writing a winning grant proposal requires a strategic approach that highlights your organization’s strengths and aligns them with the grantor’s goals. Strength-Based Solutioning®—which involves using strength statements (Feature-Benefit-Proof), understanding the… Continue reading GRANT SERVICES: Expert Approaches for Winning More Using Strength-Based Solutioning®

GRANT SERVICES: Empower Your Grants Application Process Now

Securing a grant can be a transformative opportunity for your organization, providing the funds needed to drive innovation and growth. However, the grant application process can be complex and challenging.… Continue reading GRANT SERVICES: Empower Your Grants Application Process Now

Drive Business Growth Now with GWACS and IDIQs

Are you looking to generate lucrative business from government-wide acquisition contracts (GWACs) and indefinite delivery/indefinite quantity contracts (IDIQs)? These contract vehicles are the gateway to billions of dollars in federal… Continue reading Drive Business Growth Now with GWACS and IDIQs

Empower Your Team to Write Successful Proposals for JVs

Forming a Joint Venture (JV) can give companies the strategic advantage they need to win contracts. However, writing winning proposals for JVs requires different strategies and approaches than those written… Continue reading Empower Your Team to Write Successful Proposals for JVs

50 Use Cases for GenAI Implementation Victory Now

In August 2024, Lohfeld Consulting sponsored a LinkedIn poll asking respondents, “Are you maximizing the benefits of your AI implementation?” Here’s what the survey said: This is a sobering statistic.… Continue reading 50 Use Cases for GenAI Implementation Victory Now

Engaging Strangers: The Communication Edge in Proposals

As bid and proposal professionals, we often communicate with strangers or people with whom we only have a slight acquaintance to get the needed information to create winning proposals. We… Continue reading Engaging Strangers: The Communication Edge in Proposals

Proposal Brain: How to Overcome the Fatigue of Proposal Writing

After working tirelessly on several proposals over an extended period, I noticed myself slipping into a state I call “Proposal Brain.” The symptoms are all too familiar: fatigue, forgetfulness, apathy,… Continue reading Proposal Brain: How to Overcome the Fatigue of Proposal Writing